Saturday, April 27, 2013

Identify the type Stingy Couple Or wasteful

Financial problems often become the cause of couples choose to end it pernikahannya.Untuk you need to know the type like if couples especially in matters of money, here's the explanation:

1. Miser
Couple type who manage finances tight, stingy and fear in spending money, you do not jump to grieve and ask berubah.Cari know and recognize a couple more in what has to be stingy. Is it family background or perhaps there are things in his life that made ​​him give up too wasteful or extravagant.

Communicate if there is a possibility he could be wise in managing finances. Show him that you love him not because of money but it was because you love her.

2. extravagant
Type these couples usually think, 'I like, so I buy'. Behavior that has been formed long ago can only be changed by giving him an understanding of the financial condition after marriage. Make a budget together specifically for her husband understand the income and expenditure of households every month.

3. Boros Because Emotional
The third type usually occurs in women. Women tend to be easy to spend money when emotional. He could so easily walk to the mall and go shopping when feeling angry, sad, excited or lonely. People who are wasteful because emotional likely grew up in a lonely or been hurt.

If partner has a third type he usually refused to admit himself in trouble. This is where your role is needed to help meet the expert. The third type can not be cured just by talking and talk nice to her. Need professional help to explore what is behind waste that does it.

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