Friday, May 22, 2015

Couple: how to reconcile different rhythms?

In the film Ladyhawke the two protagonists can never be together because of a curse, because the day he is a man and she a hawk, while at night she takes human form and he turns into a wolf.
It is a fictional story, but in reality there are many couples who, due to different biorhythms, can not "be" and reconcile the times. In this way the lives of two becomes really difficult, but there are little tricks to find the tune.
Reconcile different rhythms in the pair
Owls, larks and hummingbirds
One wakes up at dawn, the other goes to sleep at that hour, and then in the evening reversing the roles and the early collapse on the couch, while the night owl, restless and lively, would like to do later. Now click inevitably misunderstandings and quarrels. Behind this incompatibility is only a mismatch of biorhythms and a different movement of the power curve in the day.
According to the rhythms and vitality levels people may belong to three categories: hummingbirds, owls, larks.
# The hummingbirds are those who have a good ability to adapt to the styles of others and      solitamnete go to bed at 11 and wake up without problems at 7 in the morning.
#The Larks, however, the night they sleep early but are sprightly dawn.
#I Owls can sleep only at night and in the morning prefer to get up late, struggling to get going and become productive only by mid-day.

While hummingbirds are adapted and usually are chosen, owls and larks attract, like all opposites, but the consequences are often disastrous.

Try to stay together
Usually in couples where there are an owl and lark, lives are being conducted in parallel and we meet in a few moments. One wakes up early, have breakfast and go out, while the other still sleeping. The important thing is that they both put in listening to the mood of the other, without demanding sharing absolute: you have to be aware of the diversity of biorhythm and personal characteristics.
The important thing is not to complain and bring to bear the difference in style, but take advantage of the times when we meet; postpone important topics at sunset, when both are awake and active. We should also take advantage of the different moments of energy to help others. Who gets up before it could prepare breakfast at the partner, and who is owl and maximum energy in the afternoon can clean the house and to find dinner ready lark who returns to his home tired aa.

Reconcile different rhythms in the pair
Some tricks
Since the evening lark is destroyed, the opportunities to go out together are reduced; the advice is for the owl, to plan the weekend evenings, when the partner is more likely to loosen their schemes. If the exit midweek has already been programmed, then you can help others not to get too tired in the evening, easing the burden of commitments.
If then around 1am you notice the tiredness of the other, not let them weigh, propose to go home is a great way to encourage even future releases, because it is a compromise.

And sex?
For owls and larks also the time of sex often does not coincide: who is full of energy in the morning would start the day with love, while the libido Owls wakes up late in the evening. We must therefore learn to synchronize, for example during the weekend lark partner can delay his request to meet with an owl more enthusiastic, while in week approach is postponed to late afternoon or before dinner, when both have still energies.

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